January 2021

More and more foreigners visiting assisted reproduction clinics in the Czech Republic

The trend of foreign couples seeking the services of Czech assisted reproduction clinics is steadily growing. There are several reasons for this. Couples longing for a baby do not have to wait as long as they do at clinics in their home country, IVF is cheaper, and care is of better quality. The highest level of interest in reproductive tourism is from couples from England, Germany, Russia, Italy and France.


Czechs help childless couples from abroad

In recent years, Czech clinics have seen an increase in foreign clients seeking their services. People from abroad come to the Czech Republic for various reasons. For some, in vitro fertilisation is not permitted by legislation in their own country, or is not available for financial reasons. According to the Gynem Prague Fertility Clinic, another reason is the very high standard of medical care, which is also more affordable in comparison with other EU countries.

Even though Spain is one of the most sought-after destinations for IVF, the Czech Republic places very high on this ranking. Due to the high degree of interest and demand, there is a relatively large number of assisted reproduction centres – several dozen – in the Czech Republic. This competitive environment means that clinics offer a high standard of service.

There are other factors behind the high degree of interest. Clinics such as Gynekologie and IVF Gynem offer, in addition to IVF, other standard and above-standard services for the treatment of fertility disorders, preservation methods, or anonymous donation programmes.




Legislation, price and personal reasons are decisive factors

One of the main reasons why European and, increasingly, non-European couples are choosing the Czech Republic for IVF is the age limit for women. Under the Specific Healthcare Services Act, in vitro fertilisation may be performed on women up to 49 years of age. Up until the age of 39, IVF can be paid for from public health insurance and commercial supplementary insurance.

The overall method of IVF is also often decisive. For example, in the Czech Republic it is possible to cultivate more than three eggs obtained from a single sample. Subsequently, the most suitable one is selected according to the results of tests for genetic defects. This increases the chance of conceiving through assisted reproduction. If the cycle is not successful, a fresh sample of eggs does not have to be taken from the woman during her next cycle.

Czech assisted reproduction clinics also have a large number of donors at their disposal. Egg donation is now becoming increasingly popular among women. Some consider it an easy extra source of income, while others donate eggs for purely altruistic reasons, driven by the urge to help other women have their own children. Whatever the reason, it means that there is a wide range of options at Czech assisted reproduction centres. In addition, the most suitable eggs for IVF from a specific donor are selected in a laboratory before the procedure itself.


Czech patients at home and abroad

According to the Gynem Fertility Clinic, not only is the number of foreign applicants growing, but demand from domestic clients is also increasing. The greatest demand is for assistance services, which include the freezing of eggs and embryos. The fact that Czech couples are starting to approach the European trend and, for various reasons, postponing the starting of a family plays a role in this. On the other hand, it is heterosexual women without a partner and homosexual women, who are prohibited from receiving IVF by Czech legislation, who most often go abroad.



*This article is translated from Czech original to English language by translation agency Marvel, s. r. o.